To make a new thing happen we have to imagine it first. Then we have to believe in what we imagined. That needs optimism which can be difficult to hold onto in this world. But optimisim’s positive energy is your most important contribution to a CoOperativeNZ future. Begin by feeding your inner self its most nourishing food — bird song at dawn, dew on the grass, your favourite music, hot coffee, a hug from someone special. Crank up your joy!
After that it’s just hands-on practical stuff.
First easy step: Go to the Sign-up page and JOIN us!
Use the information on this website and on our social media pages to build your understanding of:
Why things could be so much better if we ran the country differently.
How we could gradually make “so much better” a reality.
Help to build the CoOperativeNZ movement.
Use social media to make contact with others on this path.
Build your own team. Share CoOperativeNZ with people you’d love to be working with. Hear their worries and discuss helpful CooperativeNZ ideas.
Gently share this thought: though some of us aren’t interested in politics*, politics is very interested in us! And is affecting everything we do.
Your next political job is to pay attention. We pay the MPs, we pay the Councillors, and they run the country on our behalf. We should at least try to be aware of how well they are doing it.
Voting is another important political job. CoOperativeNZ is not a political party at present, so in the next election you will need to vote for another party. If you join a party you may be able to influence it with our sound ideas. In any case, choose a candidate who seems likely to speak up for his/her supporters. Be sure to let your candidate know you’re watching and listening.
To conclude: When I was 20-something, faced with a difficult problem, I unconsciously looked over my shoulder for the grown-ups to come sort it. I still secretly long for their help. But the truth settles gradually around our shoulders. If something is going to be done, we are the ones who have to do it.
*Politics: the total complex of relations between people living in society.