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building better New Zealand

Building a Better New Zealand

An old trade union song says we should all have bread and roses. New Zealand is so blessed that everyone here could have a secure and healthy life, and joy! Three things will make that possible: Monetary Reform, Social Values, and Collaboration.

building better New Zealand

Building a Better New Zealand

An old trade union song says we should all have bread and roses. New Zealand is so blessed that everyone here could have a secure and healthy life, and joy! Three things will make that possible: Monetary Reform, Social Values, and Collaboration.

Monetary Reform

We want to reclaim our economy for New Zealanders. Our Government needs to bank with a New Zealand bank and stop relying on foreign investors. Kiwis should own New Zealand assets and support New Zealand innovation. We need to protect our access to cash and reduce the tax burden on families and small businesses. Read more

Social Values

We are stepping back into community. Valuing honesty, compassion, and generosity helps us see everyone as a person. We can all share the pleasures of education, health, and our wonderful environment. Share the care and support of children and the elderly. Re-discover social well-being through meeting and enjoying people of all cultures and faiths. Read more


If we choose representatives who respect our views, support leaders who listen and think, expect valuable ideas from all kinds of people, then in the community, in local Councils, and in Parliament, we can work together. Using everyone’s good ideas to solve our problems. If we dare  to be honest, courteous, and patient, we can focus on problem solving. With less ego, less power- tripping, we’ll have more success. Read more

quote open

Ka to te kakano ka puawai te tangata

We share the movement as a seed, which if nurtured will bloom, and come to fruition in and for the people

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